Saturday, May 23, 2020

Face Covering Break-Down - What You Should Know To Protect Yourself!

Wow!  My brain hurts after reading a thread on Twitter about Face Coverings.  The catalyst was a Berkeley media outlet noting that Valved Masks were not allowed.  Outrage among the masses who don't seem to understand the whole face covering protocol, as well think it only applies to Berkeley lol!  Has me wondering if most people don't get it?  I get it, but honestly I have read extensively about masks and mask materials.  

Breaking down what I have learned.

The CDC guidelines that local and state governments are using, are only for Protecting Others.  By this slanted protocol, they assume that everyone will wear a Face Covering outside their house.  We know this is far from the truth.  We know that Counties like our San Francisco have exempted those who are exercising, even though they expel more than the random breather.  We know that there is absolutely NO enforcement for not wearing a face covering.  So, again We know that aside from mandatory face covering in stores, the majority of people are not wearing face coverings.

YOU must decide if you want to protect yourself. 

CDC, local Health Departments and Government Officials, accept all material coverings, without valves.  From layered material with filters, down to thin t-shirt material.  Their goal is to prevent particle droplets from entering the air, reaching those closer than six feet and landing on common surfaces.  Depending on the thickness and filtration of your face covering or mask, you will be protected from some particles.  More than you would without a covering.

CDC, local Health Departments and Government Officials,  consider Valved Masks such as N95 or of equivalent filtration,  unacceptable for use in this health crisis.  Reason: Valved Masks expel your particles through the exhale valve, therefore protecting you, but not others. This does not mean you can not wear a Valved Mask.  

Valved Masks are often made from material that filters fine particles such as those in  the Corona Virus Covid19,  which is noted at .0125 microns.  A filtration of .03 microns seems to be what's doable with an N95 or equivalent.

Protect Self, but not Others.  Remember CDC, et al, are only concerned with Protecting Others, which only works if EVERYONE is covered, and at all times.  And they didn't even recommend masks at the start of this crisis!  

Valved Masks must be worn with a Cloth Covering to be acceptable.  

Valved Mask + Cloth Covering = Protecting Self and Others.

Cloth Covering = Protecting Others and Semi-Protecting Self, depending on thickness and filter.

No Mask/Covering = Selfish Asshole.

I personally went through different covering options, until settling on the Valved Mask with an additional covering.  When that mask became available to me, I didn't know it wasn't acceptable.  My original concern was whether the valve would protect me.  After researching, I felt it was the most confident way to go, based on the microns the material filtered.  I added the additional covering (headwear from buff usa) myself, as I wanted something that I could wash daily.  Note: It is essential to wash your face covering daily or let sit several days.  I also spray mine with alcohol. This set-up is what I have found to be what I personally feel most protected with.  Note:  It is not recommended to use alcohol on an N95 or equivalent mask material.

As the weather heats up, I plan to swap my buff for a cloth mask, continuing to wear my filtering mask underneath.  

In Summary, it is my opinion the CDC, local Health Departments and Government Officials, have done a disservice by not making Face Covering mandatory from the start and enforcing it. It is also my opinion that they are negligent for not breaking it down and urging those who want to protect themselves to wear appropriate covering that would maximize filtration of particles.  In fact, most of what I've read seems to steer those not infected away from using high efficiency protection, stating to save it for front line workers. I have a friend who even said she felt guilted into not wearing her N95 because of those guidelines. To me that seems really wrong, shouldn't protecting ourselves be the highest priority?

Bottom line.  Protect Yourself.

A few links for products I own or have ordered.

Soft Seal Masks ... can recommend the Tri-fold

Buff Headwear ... can recommend the Original

Zazzle Create your own Face Mask ... Ordered

Zazzle Create your own Face Sheild ... Ordered

Blogger Statement
"These are my personal views.  I do not make any claim that my ideas for face covering will protect you from anything.  Do your research, make your own decisions.  I am not a healthcare professional.  Please consult one if you have further questions."

Thursday, March 26, 2020


February 19, 2021

I started this blog in March 2020 as it seemed like a daily thing that I had something to rant about this situation that would soon become a Pandemic.

I never got to writing this Welcome post, that has been in coming soon since, as well two other posts that I have now put in draft.  

I will not be posting here any further, but will keep it open and the one post up as I have good Mask/Face Covering information in it.

Cheers to all who stop here.  Stay Safe!